The 2000's
Toms work concentrated mainly on the Helford with trips to Venice and France along with an exhibition of the Venice works at the Chelsea Arts Club. In 2002 he published Catching the Wave which brought the story covered in the two previous books, The Shining Sands and Painting the warmth of the Sun, up to date and into the twenty first century. The final book Helford - A River and Some Landscapes was published in 2005 and revealed the influences of his work which were captured on his paintings of the Helford River.
In 2007 Tom and Pat moved up the hill to the hamlet of Treviades still close to the river. Tom passed away in 2009 aged 78 and is buried at Mawnan Smith church, overlooking his beloved Helford River. Pat continued to look after the collection and set up the Tom Cross archives, gifting many of his drawing books and a large painting - Thirds - to the Falmouth University. She organised a number of exhibitions until her eyesight became too poor. She passed away in 2022 and is survived by her son David and his wife Carol who now look after the collection.
Acadamia Bridge 2003
Arab Merchants House, Bastakia, Dubai 2002
£ 750.00 -
Basilica of St Maria Assianta, Torcello, Venice 2002
Boats in harbour 2003
£ 2,250.00 -
Bosloe 2006
Ca'da Marto, Grand Canal, Venice 2008
Camogli 2001
Camogli 2001
Campo Drio il Cimitero 2002
Campo S Trovaso [2002]
Campo S. Pantalon 2002
Campo S. Pantalon 2003
Campo San Raeffele, Venice 2003
Campo Santa Maria Formosa [2002]
Carnoet, Brittany [2006]
Chiesa de San Sebastiano 2003
Cinque Terre, Camogli 2001
Dennis Head
Drawing for Merthen Wood 2003
£ 650.00 -
Fields in Cornwall 2005
Fondamenta de la Pescare, Venice 2003
Fondamenta van Axel de le Herbe 2003
Fondamentadal Punto Longo, Trattereia, Altamalta, Venice 2003
Fondamento Lombardo
Fondamento del Punto Longa 2002
Gillan Creek 2004
Glyder Fawr and the Devil's Kitchen Snowdonia 2000
£ 2,500.00 -
Halta, Dried up Watercourses 2002
£ 850.00 -
Helford Estuary 2001
Helford Moorings 2004
Il Redentore [2003]
Ill Redentore 2003
Low Tide Abrahams Bosum 2001
£ 850.00 -
Low Tide, Helford River 2000
Mont Ventoux, France 2000
Monterosa 2002
Mosque of Omar, Za Abeef 2002
£ 3,250.00 -
Mount Ventoux from Faucon 2000
£ 1,450.00 -
Mount Ventoux, France 2000
£ 1,500.00 -
Mount Ventoux, France 2000
Oyster Quay, Port Navas 2005
Paintings of Venice at the Chelsea Arts Club 2003
Palazzo Contarini Fason 2002
Porthleven 2005
Provencal Landscape 2000
Rio del Ponte Lungo 2003
S Maria de Miracata 2002
S Maria della Salute
S Maria in Bragares 2007
S Pietro di Castello 2005
San Giorgio 2002
San Giorgio Maggiore 2003
San Giorgio Maggiore 2003
£ 2,250.00 -
San Giorgio Maggiore 2003
£ 3,250.00 -
San Giorgio degli Schiavoni 2005
San Giorgio from Zattere 2002
San Marco from Isola de S. Georgio 2003
San Marco from Isola de San Giorgio 2002
San Maria de Miracoli 2007
San Sebastiano 2002
Scula Grande di San Marco 2007
Sestri Lavante 2001
Sestri Lavante 2001
St Just in Roseland 2007
£ 450.00 -
St. Anthony 2000
Still Life with Chessboard 2000
Study for Cader Idris 2001
The Bastakia Dubai -2002
£ 3,500.00 -
The Dhow Port, Abu Dhabi 2002
£ 3,250.00 -
The Grand Mosque 2002
The Hajar Mountains from Halta - 2002
£ 3,250.00 -
The River, Bosloe 2006
The Square, Monpazier, France 2006
£ 1,850.00 -
Untitled [Basilica Santa Maria della Salute 2003]
Untitled [Campo San Raeffele, Venice 2003]
Untitled [Canal in Venice 2003]
Untitled [Dubai Collage 2002]
£ 1,250.00 -
Untitled [Fancon, the top of the town France 2000]
£ 1,850.00 -
Untitled [Fields in Provence 2000]
£ 1,500.00 -
Untitled [French Landscape 2000]
Untitled [Gunnera] 2008
Untitled [La Greze 1995]
Untitled [Lilies 2004]
£ 1,800.00 -
Untitled [Palace in Venice 2002]
Untitled [Palazzo Contarini Fason 2002]
Untitled [San Giorgio degli Schiavoni 2003]
Untitled [San Giorgio degli Schiavoni 2005]
Untitled [San Maria Formosa 2002]
Untitled [Study for Fondamenta van Axel de le Herbe 2002]
Untitled [Study for San Giorgio Maggiore 2003]
Untitled [Study for San Giorgio Maggiore 2003]
Untitled [Study for San Giorgio Maggiore 2003]
Untitled [Study for San Marco from Isola di San Georgio 2003]
Untitled [Venice 2003]
Untitled [Village Rooftops 2000]
Untitled [Village in France 2000]
Untitled [West Beach 2002]
£ 1,250.00 -
Village near Mombazier 2006
West Beach
Wings over Helford 2005
[Lizard Rocks 2001]